DATA1001 Wednesday 10am Semester 1


For assessment dates, please stay up to date with EdStem announcments and Canvas announcments. For instructions regarding how assessments work for this unit of study, please refer to the unit of study outline here.

Lab Clarifications

Please see the Google Doc here where I will place clarifications when needed on lab content. For example, if you ask me a question that I am a bit unsure about, I may add it to this Google Doc after the lab.

Student as Partners

As part of my commitment to being the best teacher that I can be, please help me by filling out the survey here (no longer accepting responses).

A discussion of the results from the survey can be found here.

Weekly Resources

Please check back here at the end of each week. I will upload some of the content that I worked on during the labs (for example, the Rmd files from the tutor coding demonstrations).

Week Files Miscellaneous Further Learning
1 Lab_1_Demo.Rmd - Britannica Simpsons Paradox

R Markdown Cheat Sheet
2 - - ggplot Painting Slides

ggplot Cheat Sheet
3 Lab_3.Rmd - -
4 Lab_4.Rmd

Lab 4 Hand Drawn Notes on the Normal Curve
- Normal Curve Slides
5 5.3 Question 4.Rmd

- Writing a Survey Tips
6 Lab_6.Rmd - -
7 iPad Drawings - -
8 8.3 Challenge Q1 + 2 iPad Drawings

- -
9 Project Week - -
10 Peanuts Proportion

Coke Proportion

Uber Guided Solution
- Please read the Uber guided solution. It should help deveop your conceptual understanding of proportion tests!
11 10.3 1-Sample z-test iPad Solution

10.3 1-Sample t-test iPad Solution

For guided solution for the 10.3 2-Sample t-test question, see the “Worked Templates for Topic 10 on ipad” here.

I have provided some general project 2 (group report) feedback in the lab clarifications document.
Extension: Some students wanted a resource on how to merge data sets. An Rmd file showing how to merge data frames can be found here.
12 Uber Goodness of Fit

Completly option, but if you have time, please help out one of the third year groups that I supervise here. Not only will you be helping them out, you’ll also learn some skills in machine learning!

Please check the lab clarifications document!
Permutations Blog Post by Me

If you still want some help with the binomial theorem, there are heaps of good exmaples online. For example, here.

Closing Remarks

It was a pleasure to teach you all this semester! I just had a few things that I wanted to close with:

  • Please don’t be a stranger! If you see me on campus, come up and say hi :) Also, once the course has finished, please feel free to add me on LinkedIn (I’d love to see what my ex-students are up to).

  • I still have a plan to release some guides on how to approach some of the probability questions (I know that this was a challenge for some students). Once these are done (I plan to finish them in week 13), I will place them in the “Further Learning” cell of week 12. Please check periodically for this.

  • There is a lunch for women doing data science majors in DATA1001. You can sign up here. If your a women doing a data science major, I’d also recommend some of the following clubs (these were some suggestions I received from a colleague):

    • R-Ladies. Some of my colleagues in DATA3888 are highly involved in this club - I’d recommend checking it out.

    • You can also sign up for the WAMSOC (Women in Maths Society) club.

    • If you have any questions about these, email me at I won’t know the answer, but I know people who do, and I’ll find out and get back to you :)

  • In general, after the course is finished, I’m also happy to provide any advice about university, data science, research, exchange, etc. that you might be interested about.

  • University can be very stressful, and I know that for lots of you that this will be your first time sitting university exams. Please try to keep exams in perspective - they are not the be all and end all. What matters more is that you’ve learned some interesting things, but even more so, who you are as a person. Please keep your exams in perspective (I know that it is hard to do).

All the best,


P.S. Here is the Lofi music playlist.